OTTART creates elements and displays for artworks.

OTTART draws its origins from a solid experience in the handling and packaging of artworks, which has been developed over the years by TRATTO, the company nowadays named APICE, for major European museums and galleries.

The company consists of professionals who specialize in studying, researching, and developing modular displays, and avails itself of the collaboration of several diverse professionals who support the whole range of design activities, from creating individual display elements to placing them in space.

Our specialists bring to OTTART decades of experience in preservation and museum exhibit, optimizing the fragile relationship between these two historically antithetical disciplines.

At OTTART we believe that exhibiting and conserving are two inseparable actions in museum practice.

With experience, we have developed the belief that “Safekeeping” is preferable to “Conserving”. “Safekeeping” embraces the highest awareness of “Conserving” and includes the active care in putting the work of art first, thus preserving it in a vigilant and conscious manner.

Whenever a piece of art needs a specific “Case” to be interpreted with clarity, we use the most updated techniques and technologies to build such environment that is not only suitable but also respects its features.

Therefore, the relationship we build with the client-conservator of the artwork, and with all the specialists who gravitate around it, is fundamental. They are familiar with it, they have studied it over the years, and they know which message shall be conveyed.

We strongly believe that the closer we collaborate with all parties, the better will be the result, both for the artwork itself and for those who will enjoy it today and in the future.

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Vision e Valori

OTTART fin dalla sua nascita ha scelto di operare unicamente nel settore museografico.
A conferma di questo evidenzia la certificazione di qualità ISO 9001, con oggetto “Progettazione e realizzazione di allestimenti museali, mostre ed esposizioni.
Fornitura di materiali tecnici e manufatti per opere d’arte”.
Siamo inoltre in possesso di certificazione ambientale ISO 14001 e Soa OS 6, classe IV bis.
Tutti i nostri progetti sono conformi all’ “Atto di indirizzo sui criteri tecnico-scientifici e sugli standard di funzionamento e sviluppo dei musei” emesso dal MINISTERO PER I BENI E LE ATTIVITÀ CULTURALI (D. Lgs. n.112/98 art. 150 comma 6).


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Vision e Values

Since its establishment, OTTART has chosen to operate solely in the museum sector.
This is confirmed by its ISO 9001 quality certification, with the subject ‘Design and realization of museum layouts, exhibitions and displays.
Supply of technical materials and artefacts for works of art’.
We also hold environmental certification ISO 14001 and Soa OS 6, class IV bis.
All our projects comply with the Italian “Guideline on Technical and Scientific Criteria and Standards for the Operation and Development of Museums” issued by the ITALIAN MINISTRY OF CULTURAL HERITAGE (Italian Legislative Decree no. 112/98 art. 150 paragraph 6).